First I will respond to a few questions from emails. I am comps with Sister Escalante for just 4 more days. This transfer is 7 weeks because President made the last one 5 so people would get home a few weeks before Christmas, in case of weather delays. I will find out who my new companion is, my new calling, and where I am moving to on Monday, then I move on Wednesday. I'm so excited! I just love change. I'll also have a new p-day and I'm not sure when that will be yet?? (Al, next saturday I will email my Sunday schedule so you and sam might be able to find me. I hope that works out, but if you can't make it that day no worries!) Dani, thanks for your emails. They make me so happy! When you and Richard come to find me, you should take a Russian tour =) So I got to see Whit last night!!! I was SO SURPRISED! It was hard to only have a few minutes with her because there were so many things I wanted to talk to her about. I swear she already looks older and she looked so gorgeous! My heart hurt so bad when she felt like when I hung up on Christmas. Fortunately I only had 30 minutes left before I was heading home for dinner. When I left the South Visitors Center I just cried my eyes out all the way home, then probably the next hour until I went to bed. It just made me miss my family so much. Don't worry, I have made a full recovery this morning. I was glad I had p-day today so I could read emails from all of you. So I came to the conclusion that you all can't come and see me until May 19th 2010 when you come and pick me up =) I am just too sensitive <3>
This week has been an interesting one. For some reason people haven't been very nice to me haha. I've been yelled at, cussed out, and had several people leave in the middle of my tours--usually when they find out they can't actually go in the temple they traveled thousands of miles to see. =/ But I have seen that every time something happens that gets me down, Heavenly Father blesses me with a good experience. Like after a crazy lady cussed me out this morning, I called a woman from Guatemala (Landon's friend) who was SO NICE and excited to have missionaries and to go church. There was also another crazy lady this week who was trying to get me to tell her how the church 'indoctorinates' us to get us to walk around the temple and tell about our church all day. I tried to tell her that no one is forcing me to serve a mission, but she didn't believe me =) haha She was such an angry person. But a different guy that was on the same tour from California accepted to have the missionaries and wanted me to call a friend of his and tell him about our church as well. So good! It is amazing how on our tours who only have a short time to get to know people and figure out what their needs are but the spirit really guides us. I had a big family this week that I was talking to and I said I prayer in my heart that I would know if they were members or not, because I couldn't tell and I received and answer that they were a part-member family. We had a wonderful conversation about how families can be together forever, through the restored gospel, and at the end of the conversation I found out that some of them were LDS and some were Catholic. This just shows me how well Heavenly Father knows each of his children and how the Spirit can help us to know what people need. I know that Heavenly Father is guiding me in all that I do and that he truly answers our prayers. I love you all SOOOOOOOOOOOOO much and I hope that you have a wonderful week. I may be emailing in a few days, depending on when my new p-day is. I can't wait to hear from you again! Love,Maeg

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