I have had such a wonderful week! This morning my Zone went to the Draper Temple Open House. It was so fun! My old President said we couldn't go, but President Holmes has a son that is a Stake President and another who is a Bishop in Draper. The sons and Sister Holmes took us on a special VIP tour =) We got to go in rooms that the normal tours do not go in and hear so many fun stories about what the apostles have said as they have been through. He said he just took Elder Holland through with his family and he was telling us fun stories about them. It was just so neat. It was nice to get out of the city and breathe some fresh air; being confined to 35 acres is so not my style! We took some cute pictures I'll send next week. One neat experience I had this week was taking 4 people about my age on a tour that were from Israel. They were Jewish and really had no idea what The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints was; they were just here on a ski trip and wanted to check out Temple Square. They seemed really interested and had lots of sincere questions about modern day prophets, temples, and the Book of Mormon. We stayed with them for a pretty long time answering questions and sharing our tesimonies and at the end, we usually offer people to have missionaries teach them more when they go home, but I realised we couldn't. Missionaries cannot proselyte in Israel =( It made me so sad. Now I know what the Chinese sisters feel like. There are over 10,000 names of people from China who have requested missionaries that are just sitting in a cabinant here, waiting for China to allow missionaries. That experience really made me grateful to live in a nation where there is freedom of religion, and now I pray much more sincerely that other nations around the world will open their borders for missionaries to share the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. This week we also had Zone Conference which was amazing. From 8-2 we were being trained by the APs, Zone leaders, and President and it was so awesome. Then the last 2 hours President had us change into work out clothes and he played dodge ball with us and made us do really intense workout stuff. He is almost 70 and kicked all of our butts in everything dodgeball, pushups, squats.... Seriously he is so intense. I really have learned to love him. He is really taking our mission in a great direction with the changes he has made and I have learned so much from him about how to be a better missionary. He makes me want to work harder and be more obedient. He is always reminding us that we represent the Savior and we need to act like it. He's still kinda scary but I think he's great! I love you all so much and I pray that you will have a wonderful week!
Love,Sister Olsen
*This is Danielle speaking :) Two of our friends saw Maeg this week: Richard Wirthlin & Ashley Kirkland. Both said she looked incredibly happy & beautiful!
This is the text I got from Ash Bash: "I saw Maeg! I just went to Spoken Word with my fam- she looked soooo good and was soooo happppy!"
Maeg with the newly weds, Ashley & Casey Kirkland!
friends: Sister Olsen, Ash & Case Kirkland, Dale Olenik & Becca Anderson!

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