"I am called of God. My authority is above that of kings of the earth. By revelation I have been selected as a personal representative of the Lord Jesus Christ. He is my master and He has chosen me to represent Him--to stand in His place, to say and do what He Himself would say and do if He personally were ministering to the very people to whom He has sent me. My voice is His voice, and my acts are His acts; my doctrine is His doctrine.My Commission is to do what He wants done; To say what He wants said; to be a living modern witness in word and in deed of the divinity of his great and marvelous Latter-day work. How great is my calling!"
-Bruce R. McConkie

Friday, March 26, 2010


Hi! Oh my goodness, when mom said, "Your last companion before you get an eternal one" just cracked me up! I find out on Monday who my last companion is and OBrien leaves on Wed morning =( I'll be so sad. She is going to BYU-I so at least she'll be pretty close to me.

I got a fun letter today! Elder Thornton from my MTC district who is in Cinn, OH wrote me and said that he went to contact a Temple Square referral and asked the guy why he decided to meet with missionaries and he said, "There was Sister Olsen from PHX who was pretty persistent that this would help me." haha I love it! Small world.

This week has been so much fun! There are lots of people here for the basketball tournament and random conferences. Last night we had a group of 5 college age guys. I haven't taught very many young people lately and it reminded me how confused and lost people my age are =/ They had SO MANY questions like, "So you are telling me I can talk with God and expect something to happen in return?" Yes. "You really think you know what will happen to you after this life?" yes. "HOW CAN YOU KNOW!?" They mostly just seemed so shocked by the fact that we were so sure of all of the things we were saying...and that we don't watch TV, listen to music, etc. for 18 months =) None of them were sure if there was even a God or purpose of life. It reminded me how blessed I am to KNOW some eternal truths. They really genuinely wanted to believe the way that Sister OBrien and I do and we told them they needed to start by reading the Book of Mormon and meeting with the missionaries to answer more of their questions and they accepted our invitation. We ended in the Conference Center and I know that they felt the Spirit so strongly.

Frequently people say,"I think all churches are good and true." I've never quite understood that, but one of the guys said it and I tried to explain,"Okay so here are three different theories A. You might be reincarnated to a bug after this life B. You are going to burn in hell because you are not a member of a specific religion C. God loves and you knows your heart and actions and you will be judged accordingly. Can these all be good and true at the same time?" He just starred at me for a long time and then said, "I guess not. How do I know which one is true?" He seemed to be genuinely concerned and searching for answers and I'm grateful to know that the answers to his questions are in the scriptures and that he can ask Heavenly Father to help him know for sure what is true.

This experience pretty much sums up my entire week. I'm not sure if I've met anyone that really believes in God or knows what they believe this week. In some ways its kind of draining, but also really rewarding when they take the leap of faith to learn more. Two men from India this morning were going on and on about all of the idols and Gods they worship and reincarnation and so on and I was feeling pretty confused myself...so I think I can relate to the people better now =)

It really has been a wonderful week and my testimony of the basics has been strengthened. God is our loving Father in Heaven. He hears and answers our prayers. I can return to live with him again after this life.

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